Manuscript Submission
Manuscript Submission
Thank you for choosing to submit your work to Spectrum Publications Pty Ltd.
Checklist of what you need to submit
In your submission please include:
- A cover letter
- Synopsis
- Details about the author (background, works published etc.)
- Contents page and 1 or 2 chapters (include final word count)
- Information regarding possible marketing, promotion and sales, and any other research you may have done in defining the ‘need’ for this type of work
Submissions are best sent via email as our manuscript assessors are often travelling interstate. If you do send your manuscript via post and wish to have it returned please include a return envelope. Please do not submit original photos and documents as we cannot take responsibility for lost or damaged mail.
Mailing address:
Spectrum Publications
PO Box 75
Richmond 3121
Before submitting your manuscript please go through our back catalogue to see if your work fits into Spectrum’s areas of interest. Please note that due to the amount of submissions we receive it can take up to 6 months to have your work assessed. We will be in contact with you as soon as we have assessed your manuscript.