The World According to Jesus …
his blue print for the best possible world
by Lorraine Parkinson
size A5, 252pp
“Lorraine Parkinson’s new book is guaranteed to ruffle
more than a few ecclesiastical feathers.”
more than a few ecclesiastical feathers.”
‘Arguing that the church has lost its way … Dr Lorraine Parkinson pushes away centuries of doctrinal overlay in order to take with absolute seriousness the teachings of the Jewish man Jesus, as recorded in Matthew’s Gospel. This marvellously accessible book, full of down to earth practicality and refreshing wisdom, is a must for any discussion group or individual committed to a genuine, progressive vision of an enlightened humanity without borders that divide.’
Dr Val Webb Australian theologian and author of Stepping Out with the Sacred: human attempts to engage the divine.
Through her intriguing explanation of the teachings in the Sermon on the Mount, Parkinson sets out compelling reasons why a real commitment to following the vision of Jesus of Nazareth can bring to reality the best possible world.
In another age the author of this book would have been convicted of heresy at the very least. Her case for a 21st century new Reformation of the church is a must for all who have doubted or rejected the old Christianity and are looking for the way forward.
Lorraine Parkinson has been a parish minister and continues to work as a teacher and writer. Her doctoral research into the self-identity of Jesus was conducted at the École Biblique et Archéologique francaise de Jérusalem. She is known in Australia as an authority on Christian-Jewish relations. She conducts seminars in that area, and on the topic of the historical Jesus and his purpose. Lorraine and her husband Dr John Bodycomb live in Melbourne, Australia, where she continues to offer interim ministry in Uniting Church congregations.
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